Armagedon inbjuder till öppna klubbmästerskapen i 7 Wonders den 9:e mars

Startat av Usually_Insane, februari 26, 2013, 08.02

Föregående ämne - Nästa ämne


Bättre sent än aldrig: Björn Borgren inbjuder alla som vill till en turnering i 7 wonders.

Den börjar klockan 13.00 lördagen den 9:e mars och hålls i Geddons lokaler

behöver jag påminna om att ta med tofflor eller inneskor?

Väl mött och ha det gott.
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


Första gångn jag spela och kom inte sist. Får tacka för en skit rolig spel omgång!


Kopierat från mitt facebookinlägg, då flera här visst inte har FB:

"As we were only 7 players (several who had announced to join us had backed out), it was decided that we should play 3 games with random placements between the games. First as basic, then with the leader expansion and finally also with the cities expansion. One had never played before, but he had played a lot of CCG, so he quickly grasped the concept. The winner was the one who probably had played it most. The result was Peter W 59+81+57=197, Björn B 57+61+62=180, Peter S 67+38+69=174, myself 42+70+62=174, Jonatan L 48+47+73=167, Henrik A (the rookie) 41+50+49=140 and finally Per G 39+40+47=126. Björn who organized it had created a prize with a mummy miniature (directly from the pyramids?), which he had glued on the bottom of a plastic jug. Most important is that we had a great time!"

För övrigt har Thomas Provoost, en av de som publicerat spelet, klickat "gilla" på bilden jag lade upp  :)