Warmaster på Armagedon

Startat av Ola, oktober 16, 2012, 18.02

Föregående ämne - Nästa ämne


Som ämnet säger, allmän tråd om Warmaster på Armagedon.

- Regler, errator, Q&A, taktik

- Enheter, stands, strippar, OOP-modeller, terräng, Forgeworld, mm

- Frågor om Warmaster-SM på BSK (WMSM-frågor)
mvh ola
Sir Killalot II for the masses!


Tournament Houserules, Swedish Masters at BSK32 anno 2014

-as in WFB, you end up on the side from which quadrant you start the charge (Trial rules)
-if that side is in-accessable, but you can see another accessable side, you end up here (house rule)
-if there is any uncertainties for which side/quadrant you are in, then the defender decides

-move 100cm, but may only charge 50cm 60cm
-charge "over-head" is allowed (can you see them , then you can get them)

There may be more, please feel free to ask.
mvh ola
Sir Killalot II for the masses!


Alright. Here we go:

When is a stand considered to be affected by area terrain? When it touches it, when a majority of the stand is in the terrain or when the entire stand is in the terrain?

To be able to shoot, only part of the shooting stand must be able to see the target, correct?

If I can arrange my unit in regular formation in area terrain, does it still count as irregular due to the terrain?


Rules Update regarding the Rulebooks p.45 - 'Defended'
"A stand is defended if it is placed wholly or partially..."
So, likewise, any terrain feature should be considered having affect when at least a part of a stand is in/on it.
If there are any unsolved situations, please describe.

Remember, stand two and three of a unit in column is not considered to have their front corners being able to draw line of sight to the enemy.

Depends. This should be agreed upon before the battle begins. Either a terrain feature grants regular formation, if possible, or not, no matter how regular. We strive for no subjective judgements.

mvh ola
Sir Killalot II for the masses!


If there is to be no subjective judgements I would advise you to have a rule on 3. Seeing as it affects different armies to varying degrees I think it's fairer if there's a general rule.


Right, point taken.

Update 141111
Light Woods - always in regular formation (rounded trees)
Heavy Woods - never in regular formation (pointed trees)
mvh ola
Sir Killalot II for the masses!


Vilka arméer finns det på Armagedon? Är dom privatas eller allmänna? Ligger lite Undeads ute på Tradera nämligen som jag är nyfiken på.


Ola Ståhl & Martin Ulvegärde har sammanslaget de flesta arméerna man kan tänka sig. De lånar nog gladeligen ut för provspel ^_^
/Veni Vidi Vicious


Jag skulle gärna testa eller kolla Warmaster!


"I stan"
Nemo - TK o DE.
Henk - Empire o Dwarfs
OlaS - Chaos, HE, Deamons o Lizards
Mellqvist - OnG o X(Undead/Bret/VC?)
Josefsson - WE

"Utanför stan"
Emil - HE, Empire o Dwarfs
OlaP - Chaos
Staffan- alla(?)
Jesper - Bret, Kislev, Chaos
Joel - VC
Kristoffer - Skaven o X(?)
Finns ännu fler spelare här i väst, tror dock inte att fler andra arméer är representerade.

Saknas - Araby, Beasts, CD, DoW och Ogre Kingdom.
mvh ola
Sir Killalot II for the masses!


170716 (idag!) kl 1330 möts:
- skinande, parfymerade och vindoftande höga alver,
- nyss hit-warpade, dödligt förrädiska och terroriserat korrumperande Dämåner.
"place your bets"  :o
mvh ola
Sir Killalot II for the masses!


/Veni Vidi Vicious


Hade gärna tittat förbi, som sagt, men fick inte ihop det idag.


Samma här, nästa gång kanske. Men nu är jag pigg & utvilad & vaken hela natten!   :D