Brädspel på torsdagar

Startat av globetrotter, februari 25, 2007, 21.07

Föregående ämne - Nästa ämne


återigen brädspel imorgon, alla är välkomna. Ses klockan 18.00
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


Torsdagskvällar är bästa kvällen på hela veckan. Förutom Fredagar då kanske, för då är det Tacos med familjen ;)
Men annars ligger ni jäkligt bra till :P
/Veni Vidi Vicious


Imorgon är det torsdagskväll och därmed brädspelskväll. Kom gärna! glöm inte att rösta i månadens spel
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


Brädspel imorgon igen, kommer bra i tid men det kan bli knappt, Men alla r som vanligt välkomna!
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


Jag är sugen på BSG på Brädspelskvällen
Tomas Davidsson


Tisdagspåminnelse om brädspelskväll!

Brädspelskväll som vanligt på torsdag kl 18. Vilka kommer och tas något intressant med? 😊
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


Brädspel nu på torsdag, kom och var med!
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


brädspelskväll som vanligt på torsdag kl 18. vilka kommer och tas nåt intressant med?
hjärnor planeras att spelas. 😊
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


Tisdagspåminnelse om brädspelstorsdag, ni är härmed påmind om brädspelstorsdag, ses på brädspelstorsdagen utropstecken. ;)
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


Jag kan tänka mig tidig start med längre spel på torsdag då jag har semester :-)

Space Empires 4x någon?
Tomas Davidsson


Brädspelskväll som vanligt på torsdag kl 18. Jag kommer att vara där tidigare om någon vill sociala sig med mig. Vilka kommer och tas nåt intressant med?☺
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


Brädspelskväll som vanligt på torsdag kl 18. Kommer inte själv att närvara men lämnar er ur Jessies kapabla händer
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


Brädspelskväll som vanligt på torsdag kl 18. vilka kommer och tas nåt intressant med?😊
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


Brädspelskväll som vanligt på torsdag kl 18. vilka kommer och tas nåt intressant med?☺
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


Brädspelskväll på torsdag, alla är varmt välkomna, säg gärna till om du tar med nått roligt.
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit