V:tES - FAQ/Errata

Startat av Brain, februari 01, 2008, 16.06

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Diskuterade med Carlos i torsdags om att CtG gick att använda även med en tappad  minion.

Från FAQ (http://www.white-wolf.com/vtes/index.php?line=rulings)

Cloak the Gathering:
# The superior ability can be used to aid another minion even while the modifying vampire is tapped. [RTR 19941109]

Edit: fixade länken
Edit2: Ändrade rubriken för att göra detta till en generell FAQ/Errata-tråd
Tomas Davidsson


> >Compel the Spirit.
> >When compeling a Shambling Horde do you have to burn another ally ect to
> >return the SH to play?

> Yes you do have to remove another ally etc to return the SH to play. When
> Compelled, it is still "entering play."

Följdaktligen är "entering play" inte en "Cost"

Tomas Davidsson


Förstår inte vad senste ilägget har för djup innebörd. Förklara för mig på onsdag.

/F 8)

Martin Larsson

...bättre sent än aldrig...

Dags att riva upp en till del i "saker som vi spelat ganska fel":

Citat#By default, combat cards only apply to the round in which they are played. Explicit card text is needed to overcome this default. [RTR 19980623]

# A maneuver or press gained by a combat card can only be used during the current round of combat. A maneuver or press gained by a non-combat card (e.g., action, equipment) can be used in any round of the combat. [TOM 19960521]


Man kan mao inte "stacka" 8 pressar i kort man spammar ut runda 1 av en fight och sedan "leva på gamla meriter" resten av striden.

När vi ändå är inne på strid:

Citat# Any effect that starts a new combat after the combat that was ended by (or continues the combat that was ended by) a "combat ends and the action continues as if unblocked" will nullify the "continue action" part. This includes Psyche (superior), Fast Reaction, Hidden Lurker, and Telepathic Tracking. [LSJ 19980109]

Väl värt att ha koll på.

En annan sak som jag tycker är intressant att läsa är denna:

Citat# Actions which target another player's hand, uncontrolled region, crypt, or library (or cards therein) are directed at that player. (Actions which target another player's ash heap are undirected by default). [LSJ 20010924] [LSJ 20010926]
When one person is delusional it's called insanity
When millions are delusional it's called religion

"Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" ㅡ Mark Twain.


angående burn option på kort. reglera för det står i

"some cards that have a requirement also have a burn option icon. This icon Means that a methuselah who doesn't control a minion that meets the requirement may discard that card during any methuselahs untap phase. Each methuselah is limited to one such discard during each untap phase."