[ASL] Red Barricades 2018

Startat av carlsson, mars 22, 2018, 22.39

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Ryssarna är klara med sin setup.

Andreas Carlsson, Borås
ASL-nörd och gammal Armagedon-uv



SSR som vi använder.

Notera nr 23 OBA: Hur ska vi göra här, Option 1 eller 2?


1. VICTORY CONDITIONS: There are no longer any conditions that will determine which side has won a CG Day. In essence, winning the whole Campaign Game III (O11.53) is only what really matters (delete O11.32 and O11.6235).

2. FOG, HEAVY MIST, & MIST: When Fog occurs on the RB Weather Table (O11.618) it will not come into effect, instead Heavy Mist will be in effect with the same LV Hindrance given on the Heavy Rain counter-side (as per rule E3.51). If Heavy Winds occur during Mist/Heavy-Mist (either in RePh step O11.6241 or during play) the Weather immediately becomes Clear for the remainder of that CG Day.

3. BURNING BARRICADES: Kindling (B25.11) is not allowed.

4. STILL HIDDEN UNITS: Each still hidden non-Isolated unit in RePh step O11.602 not subject to O11.604 (Encirclement & Minefields) may remain hidden until RePh step O11.607 or until the next CG scenario if included in the exceptions in O11.607, unless such a unit must either be used to determine the friendly Perimeter and/or to obstruct the non-friendly Perimeter.
Hidden units confined to setting up in specific Locations, such as the possessor of a Gun in a Fortified-Building-Location/Pillbox may drop possession of its Gun and the inherent crew of an Immobile AFV may Abandon its AFV (D5.411 applies) to be allowed to be removed from the map, but if this option is taken its hidden status is lost. A unit that remains hidden may record a new CA before each CG scenario.

5. RUBBLE: Rubble is treated as a building for Rout (A10.51), Rally (A10.61), Ambush (A11.4), and Street Fighting (A11.8) purposes.

6. ENTRENCHMENTS: Each Trench counter is treated as a building for Rout (A10.51) towards and beneath it, and for Rally Bonus (A10.61) purposes. Units beneath an Entrenchment counter is considered to be in Concealment Terrain. A hidden unit beneath an Entrenchment counter would immediately be placed on-map unconcealed if the Entrenchment counter is removed, unless still in Concealment Terrain.
Emplacement: Guns may set up Emplaced in Paved Road hexes that also contain shellholes.

7. DUG-IN AFV: Dug-In AFVs setting up HIP may do so for free (i.e., contrary to O11.6194c such HIP need not be separately purchased). Once a Dug-In AFV has been revealed it may not set up using HIP again. A Dug-In AFV may not set up in a Front Line Location. Each time a DC is Placed/Thrown against a Dug-In AFV a hit location in the hull is considered to be in the turret instead. In the "DC POSITION DRM" table (C7.346) where it says "hull", consider that word replaced with "turret" when a DC is Placed/Thrown against a Dug-In AFV.

8. MOL-PROJECTOR: MOL-Projector is NA.

9. ASSAULT ENGINEERS: Each German Pionier Coy RG (I3) and each Russian Engineer Coy RG (I6) is always received at Full-Strength

10. MILITIA COMPANY: A Full-Strength Militia Coy RG consists of 15 squads, and Depleted-Strength consists of 12 squads. No Russian Militia Coy RG (I5) receives any SW (O11.6202).

14. HW PLATOONS: All crews received with HW and MOL-P platoons are 2-2-8 crews (i.e., replace 1-2-7 crews with 2-2-8 crews). If a HW Platoon is Depleted, pick 4 uits (and Crews) from the 6 available.

17. LIGHT MORTARS (LT. MTR): At the end of each of the following four phases: PFPh, MPh, DFPh, and AFPh, each LT. MTR's Area Acquisition counter is removed from play.

20. ARMORED FIGHTING VEHICLES:  MA Repair is Mandatory.

22. SPOTTER PLANE: Ignore E7.6-.62 and use the following rule instead: A Spotter Plane is treated as an Offb oard Observer (C1.63) with the additional advantages that the Spotter Plane Observer has a LOS to all Locations [EXC: Sewer/Culvert] on the map and Hindrance drm never apply to the Accuracy dr. No Spotter Plane is allowed in a CG scenario with Overcast/Fog/Heavy-Mist/Mist weather conditions and only one Spotter Plane may be used per CG scenario. The use of a Spotter Plane Observer must be revealed immediately when the module assigned to the Spotter Plane Observer has its SR or AR converted to an FFE:1. A Spotter Plane is only available for non-Rocket OBA > 100+mm.

Opt 1: When attempting Battery Access for an OBA module and no more than one black and/or re d chit(s) have been permanently removed from the Draw Pile and the second permanently-removed red chit is drawn, return it to the Draw Pile instead, and that ends the Observer's OBA actions for that Player Turn (i.e., the second red chit can only be removed from the Draw Pile if at least two black chits have been permanently removed from the Draw Pile for that OBA module).
Opt 2: When a second Red card is drawn, end the current mission and return two red cards to the pile.

24. EXPERIENCE LEVEL RATING (ELR): In rule O11.6161, in line 3, delete "ELR Loss/Gain (O11.617)," and at the end add "The ELR is modified inversely by the side's positive Historical DRM for the current CG Day. This means that the German ELR drops to 3 during nine CG Days and to 2 during one CG Day, while the Russian ELR drops to 2 during five CG Days.". Replace rule O11.617 (ELR Loss/Gain) with the following new rule: O11.617 GERMAN & RUSSIAN ELR: The Germans have an ELR of 4 and the Russians an ELR of 3, and their respective ELR can be decreased by the positive Historical DRM [EXC: German & Russian Assault Engineers have an ELR of 5 which is never decreased].

25. IDLE REQUIREMENTS: Replace rule O11.6235 (RB CG Scenario Victory Conditions) with the following new rule:
O11.6235 IDLE REQUIREMENTS: In the CG, there must be at least one Idle Day during each of the following five 6-day-periods: 17/10- 22/10; 23/10-28/10; 29/10-3/11; 4/11-9/11; 10/11-15/11. Example: if during CG Days 17/10-21/10 there has been no Idle Day(s), then both players must choose an Idle chit for the next CG Day (22/10), since there has not been an Idle Day during that 6-day-period. If both players select an Idle chit for CG Day 23/10, the next CG Day which must be an Idle Day is 3/11 (if there has been no Idle Day(s) during 29/10-2/11).

28. RUSSIAN INFANTRY RG: In rule O11.4, SSR CG9, RUSSIAN INFANTRY RG section, replace the last sentence with "Russian RG may always enter along the east edge on/south-of JJ36.".

Andreas Carlsson, Borås
ASL-nörd och gammal Armagedon-uv



Är tysken redo att påbörja sitt superlistiga anfall nu på torsdag?

Andreas Carlsson, Borås
ASL-nörd och gammal Armagedon-uv




Andreas Carlsson, Borås
ASL-nörd och gammal Armagedon-uv



Jag har förhinder denna vecka. Kör ni utan mig om ni vill.


Jag har också förhinder men Andreas är mogen att f spela själv.🤪😁🤓😘


Jag spelar väldigt gärna, men har ett möte kl 19-20 ca.

Stefan, vad tycker du?

Andreas Carlsson, Borås
ASL-nörd och gammal Armagedon-uv



Stefan och jag har pratat, och vi kommer inte att spela RB ikväll.
Så vet ni! Ses om två veckor. :)

Andreas Carlsson, Borås
ASL-nörd och gammal Armagedon-uv




Alla redo inför torsdag? :)

Andreas Carlsson, Borås
ASL-nörd och gammal Armagedon-uv





Då har det skitit sig igen. Jag har tyvärr ingen som helst möjlighet att närvara på torsdag. Spela utan mig om ni vill.




Stefan – Vi kör ändå eller?

(Blir vi klara med dagen nu, så har vi en månad till nästa speltillfälle att köpa och planera :) )

Andreas Carlsson, Borås
ASL-nörd och gammal Armagedon-uv



Har snackat med Stefan och vi kör ikväll!

Andreas Carlsson, Borås
ASL-nörd och gammal Armagedon-uv
