Bokning av Röda Rummet

Startat av carlsson, februari 13, 2019, 07.07

Föregående ämne - Nästa ämne

Count Matula

19/5 - 13-18 Sommarträff!
25/5 13:00 Carlos
15-16/6 Stängt Tom

17/5-   16.10 - 20.00 . dnd


14/5 Dark heresy, Rasmus
19/5 - 13-18 Sommarträff!
25/5 13:00 Carlos
15-16/6 Stängt Tom

17/5-   16.10 - 20.00 . dnd


14/5 Dark heresy, Rasmus
19/5 - 13-18 Sommarträff!
25/5 13:00 Carlos
15-16/6 Stängt Tom

17/5-   16.10 - 20.00 . dnd

24/6 13-18 DnD Linus kl


28/5 Dark Heresy | Rasmus

15-16/6 Stängt Tom
24/6 13-18 DnD Linus kl


30/5 Dark Heresy | Two creeps and a sewer | Rasmus

15-16/6 Stängt Tom
24/6 13-18 DnD Linus kl


6/6 12:00 Carlos
15-16/6 Stängt Tom
24/6 13-18 DnD Linus kl
29/6 13:00 Carlos
So long, suckers!

Count Matula

6/6 12:00 Carlos
15-16/6 Stängt Tom
24/6 13-18 DnD Linus kl
29/6 13:00 Carlos

9/6 13.00 dnd Máté


6/6 12:00 Carlos
8/6 12:00 D&D 5e william
9/6 13.00 dnd Máté
15-16/6 Stängt Tom
24/6 13-18 DnD Linus kl
29/6 13:00 Carlos


7/6 12:00 Carlos
8/6 12:00 D&D 5e william
9/6 13.00 dnd Máté
15-16/6 Stängt Tom
24/6 13-18 DnD Linus kl
29/6 13:00 Carlos
So long, suckers!


18/6 DND Rasmus
24/6 13-18 DnD Linus kl
29/6 13:00 Carlos


22/6 Dark Heresy Rasmus
24/6 13-18 DnD Linus kl
29/6 13:00 Carlos


25/6 17:00 DND Rasmus
29/6 13:00 Carlos


13/7 13:00 Cimir Carlos
14/7 17-22 Star wars Peter W
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


9/7 17:00 DnD Rasmus
13/7 13:00 Cimir Carlos
14/7 17-22 Star wars Peter W


26/7 17:00 - tom godispåse Cimir Carlos
"O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible, and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands."
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War