spel lördagen 2/9

Startat av deadbolt, augusti 30, 2006, 09.39

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Funderar på spela skog eller spökstad lördagen 2/9 , finns det intresse? Om så vilken tid passar folk bäst.

“Elvis is that which is. Bigfoot is that which was. Space aliens are that which will be. The Holy Trinity of white-trash religion. "


¡Oook ook ooook oooook!  (¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre!)


ser bra ut, ser ut som vi blir 10+ spelare, kl10 ute i spökstan.
“Elvis is that which is. Bigfoot is that which was. Space aliens are that which will be. The Holy Trinity of white-trash religion. "


gött mos rainballers!
“Elvis is that which is. Bigfoot is that which was. Space aliens are that which will be. The Holy Trinity of white-trash religion. "